
Beyond electronics

High Technology Products for who are seeing beyond
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From creativity to competence, supported by a strong passion for futurism and well being WALL-Y is creating innovation implementing sophisticated electronics, in-between AI and IoT technologies.


Do you want a 10A power supply with only 1mV of ripple and capable of charging and discharging batteries plus amplification performance? WALL-Y Smart PSU is the right choice for any enthusiast radio amateur, but also if you are an electronic or IoT maker who loves perfection.

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Do you need an advanced UAV for professional or military employ?  WALL-Y HYBRIDRONE is the first of a complete unmanned aircraft family to map and control territory,  emergencies aids and military mission assignements.  Jet propulsion with two compressor stages. Max speed 282m/sec,  Altitude 30000 feet, Payload 40 Kg.

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WY-312A Wall-y Wrist Watch

Are you tired to try to read time using two hands: hours and minutes?   Well, get a WALL-Y Watch to read time at-a-glance... not only you will hold a masterpiece of precision and perfection, but you will become a WALL-Y Man like us

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WY-412A Wall-y Desktop Watch

Are you tired to try to read time using two hands: hours and minutes?   Well, get a WALL-Y Watch to read time at-a-glance... not only you will hold a masterpiece of precision and perfection, but you will become a WALL-Y Man like us

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Visit our Kickstarter Campaign
to buy WY-515A
at a fraction of the cost

WY-515A SMART SUPPLY is the first equipment produced by Wall-Y, the first of a wide series.

Introducing the new PSU product

Learn more about our amazing WY-515A SMART SUPPLY. Depicted above without its custom design aluminium case.

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Wall-Y is a new start-up company that has decided to go through the crowdfunding to produce their products to achieve the best possible industrialization 

Thanks to Kickstarter, customers have the chance to acquire Wall-Y products at a fraction of the standard cost, and we have the opportunity to built them at tne state of the art.

We spent much time to choose the better materials and components to assure to you a long life product, well designed and studied in all smaller details.

Beloved Products

From concept to the smallest screw the WALL-Y products are created to the best of current technology, nothing is left to chance. From materials and electronic components to industrialization solutions, with the vision of a product that can be easily updated and repaired to guarantee a long life over time.


WALL-Y is careful to design, ergonomics and user interface-machine. WALL-Y products are also beautiful to look at and to own, not just to use.


The choice of materials and components of each product meets the durability and resistance required by the most critical uses: "Military essence applied to consumer products"


WALL-Y is a future-oriented company, it's R&D is involved to find solution that can be applied in the aerospace field, thanks to it's natural creativity skills and innovative vision.


A conscious and intelligent use of energy allows our products not only to save resources but allows longer service times.


All our products meet the most stringent regulations to prevent RFI to equipment operating in radiofrequency ensuring maximum EMC.


WALL-Y has opted for solutions that do not pollute the environment, proving to look at to the future as the goal of an environmentally sustainable planet.

What People Say

We made prototypes to give to our well-known friends, interested in testing our products.

What do the first owners of one of our products think? Here are some testimonials:

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